1. From Steam, go to your Xrd local files by clicking the gear on the right side, Manage>Browse local files. Go to REDGame, then CookedPCConsole, and search for the CHAR_MAT_xxxx_SF.upk file of the character you want to mod. For demonstration puropses, we'll be using VEN_MAT_0116_SF.upk
2. In the GG Master folder, copy your MAT.upk into the Encrypted_Files folder. Then, run the Decrypt Files.bat then the 1_Export_GGXrd_Textures.bat. You should now have another set of MAT.upks in your Decrypted_Files folder
3. Open up umodel.exe in the GG Master folder, set the Path to game files to your Decrypted_Files folder, click the Override game detection box, then select Unreal engine 3 in the left box, and Guilty Gear Xrd in the right box, and hit ok.
It'll now let you preview all of your decrypted MAT_upk files. Clicking on these will only show you a cube with purple squares, but that means it successfully decrypted. Select the files you're going to be using and hit Export on the bottom. Set the Export to this folder to wherever you want the files to be saved, then hit ok
4. It should have given you a bunch of texture files in .tga format. Again for demonstration purposes, we'll be using GIMP, but anything that can open .tga files will be fine. This is the part where you can now make your texture edits. (I will be adding later how to view these textures on a model, but for now this will just cover exporting then reimporting textures.)
Once you're done editing, you need to export the file to a .dds. GIMP allows you to export dds files, but anything that will export .dds files will work. In GIMP, go to File>Export as, then at the bottom click Select File Type (By Extension) and click DDS image, then Export. A new box will pop up, under Compression, you'll want to select the DXT type of the original file (the next step will cover finding the orignal DXT type of your texture.) Then under Mipmaps, select Generate mipmaps and hit Export
5. Open up UPK Explorer, click Set Working Folder, and select wherever your exported MAT.upk is. Go to the bottom and select Advanced, then click Open UPK file, and selct your MAT.upk
(i'm going to finish writing this later sorry. i'm sleepy)